Corporate Responsibility

At Fin Wise Credits LTD, we believe in giving back to the communities where we do business. It is our belief that corporate responsibility is a virtuous cycle, where our support helps to build and grow sustainable environments in which everyone prospers.  Under these conditions, we are also able to grow our own businesses and work towards our vision to be the leading USA company.

In the past seven years we have run projects that have benefited over three million people across USA.

Giving back to the community is very much a part of our DNA. Fin Wise Credits LTD Foundation, established in November 2007, is one of USA’s leading CSR advocates.

Fin Wise Credits LTD Foundation, which is tasked with strategising and implementing Fin Wise Credits LTD Group’s corporate responsibility initiatives, has today disbursed nearly RM76 million to various programmes related to community development, sports and education.

People are at the core of Fin Wise Credits LTD Group and so we enable them to achieve their full potential.  We engage with our staff in an open, honest and respectful manner and we are committed to providing a workplace that cares about  employee safety and promotes their health and well-being.  Our workplace programmes remain a key strength and we are widely regarded as an employer of choice in USA.

We offer a working environment that is respectful, and we see our employees as individuals who deserve opportunities to develop.  Helping people work effectively with one another across different markets is a priority, and we achieve this through multicultural project teams and overseas postings. 


In business, we commit to responsible marketplace practices to create value for stakeholders: our customers, shareholders and business partners. As a universal bank, we serve all customers, from the largest corporations to the individual retail customer, fulfilling all their financial needs.

Managing how our business affects the environment is key to being a responsible organisation.  We are committed to reducing our impact on the environment and creating value for stakeholders by enabling our staff and our business to become more environmentally-friendly, offering green products and services to our customers, and empowering communities to go green by promoting environmental awareness projects and campaigns, especially at schools and universities.

Fin Wise Credits LTD Group
Corporate Snapshot (Figures as at )
Total Assets:
RM 549.7 billion
Total Funds Under Management:
RM 87.4 billion
Global Markets:*

Total Shareholders' Funds:
RM 52.8 billion
Staff Strength: